Lumber & Engineered Wood - Dimension

American International Forest Products

AIFP is one of the largest forest products wholesalers in North America. We trade commodity softwood, hardwood, steel and other building products.

Subcategory: Dimension
Species: Eastern SPF, Green Doug Fir, Western SPF


Rosboro produces a broad range of Douglas fir glue-laminated timber products as well as high-quality lumber including western species studs and dimension lumber.

Subcategory: Dimension, Studs
Species: Green Doug Fir, KD Doug Fir, KD Hem-Fir

Sierra Pacific Industries

Sierra Pacific's reliable and workable lumber is widely used in residential and light commercial construction.

Subcategory: Boards, Dimension, Studs
Species: Green Doug Fir, Hemlock, KD Doug Fir, KD Fir-Larch, KD Hem-Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, White Fir